Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So many times I have overheard people see our family and whisper to their friend, "makes
me count my blessings".   I have four children.  Three are healthy and perfect in the eyes of the world

 Gracie is 11 and full of life and laughter.  She is a constant encourager. 
 She loves to read and is enjoying the Mandie series.

  Annaleigh is 10 and caring and kind.  She is always ready to help.  She loves playing games and littlest pet shop!

Micah is 3 and loving and energetic!  He loves playing Mario on the "weed" (wii) :)  He also  enjoys snuggles and any boyish activity.

  Samuel is 6 years old.  He loves holding hands, playing his eye gaze computer and playing with those he loves.

He, also, has special needs.  He has been diagnosed with a mitochondrial disorder called Leigh's syndrome.  He cannot walk, talk or even hold his head up on his own.  He is fed through a feeding tube and cannot have anything by mouth anymore.  Life is full of ups and downs with Samuel, but he is most of the time precious and pleasant.   So when I hear people say this I want to say to them, "I do count my blessings and Samuel is one of the biggest blessings of my and my family's life!! "  He has taught us so much more than we could have ever imagined!  God has used him in so many ways!  So when I count my blessings all 4 of my children are at the top of my list!

One of my favorite verses is John 9:1-3
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
   3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

I know that God is using Samuel that His works will be displayed.  I hope to share with you the blessings and trials we have through this blog. I also, ask for your prayers for Samuel, and our family as I share our journey with you!  blessings!!!



The Johnsons - old blog said...

I love it ME! Can't wait to read what you write!

Unknown said...

Oh! I am so glad you are doing this. It will be a BLESSING to me and so many. You and your whole family are loved dearly.